The Cape Consort invites music lovers to their continued exploration of enchanting vocal works by three different Bachs: Johann Ludwig, Johann Christoph, and Johann Sebastian.
The latter needs no introduction, but the former two are today hardly known at all.
Yet both Ludwig and Christoph wrote delightful music, which Sebastian Bach held in high esteem, and which contributed to shaping his own musical imagination.
Performing the works of JS Bach successfully entails an implicit acknowledgement of a whole dynasty’s musical contribution, which the Cape Consort’s programme highlights.
The performers are: Antoinette Blyth and Elsabé Richter (soprano); Lente Louw and Monika Voysey (alto); Willem Bester and Warren Vernon-Driscoll (tenor); Reinhardt Liebenberg and Patrick Cordery (bass); Erik Dippenaar (organ) and Hans Huyssen (Baroque cello, musical direction). Bill Robson, who built the organ at St Norbert’s, will be a guest performer.
The concert will be held on Sunday August 28, at 11am, at St Norbert’s Priory, Rubbi Road, Kommetjie.
Tickets at the door cost R120, R100 for concessions and R80 for students. For information phone 079 476 5137 or email