Cards on the Table opens at the Masque Theatre, Muizenberg, on Friday March 31. Based on Agatha Christie’s 12th novel, this play is full of all the twists, turns, good humour and intriguing clues you would expect from the queen of murder mysteries.
When the novel was released, it was considered to be “in the top rung of her novels”.
The story revolves around four characters who have apparently committed murder before and their potential motives for murdering again during the play’s opening scenes. The action starts with a game of bridge, which ends with the discovery of a body.
Directed by Jane Philbrick, this production includes many well-known faces in the cast. Leading the charge is Aubrey Hindle as the deceased Mr Shaitana.
The four suspects are Anne Meredith (played by Grace Brain), Mrs Lorrimer (Sandy Gee), Dr Roberts (Thomas Bowman) and Major Despard (Robert Shenton).
In charge of the sleuthing are Mrs Oliver (Belinda Batt) and Superintendent Battle (Chris Bingham).
Cards on the Table is presented by Fish Hoek Dramatic Society and runs until Saturday April 8, excluding Sunday to Wednesday. Tickets are R80.
Book through Masque Theatre Bookings at 021 788 1898, open weekdays from 9am to 4pm and Saturdays from 9am to noon. Alternatively, you can email