Woldart gallery will host a solo exhibition by Selvin November, called Freedom on the Streets, from today, Thursday June 6, until June 27.
The words slavery and freedom have a particular meaning for November. Records show that slaves who were sold in Cape Town in the 18th century were often given surnames according to the month of the year that they were bought and to November, the connection is obvious.
With this exhibition, November, 49, has used abstraction influenced by street art to express and explore these concepts. “My current abstract work allows me the space to express my ideas using abstract language of line, form and colour. I employ elements of free form, which act as a metaphor for freedom. The bars represent enslavement, which represents the idea that you are imprisoned within the confines and rules of the system, socially, politically or economically. The use of expressive line drawings serves as an additional metaphor for freedom, thus creating tension, which in turn creates movement within the work” says November.
For more information, call 021 423 3075 or visit www.worldart.co.za