Three children from one family achieved outstanding results at Paul Greyling School in Fish Hoek. Candice Farmer received certificates for excellent work in Grade 1 for life orientation and maths and sports events. Kirsten received a bronze medal, in third position in Grade 5 for excellent academic achievements in Afrikaans, English, life orientation and a silver medal for “Landsdiens” as well as a special award (Hoogste Lof) for Kaapse Eisteddfod in “Koorspraak Gedramatiseerd in Grade 4 to 5 for 2017. Nicole received the Principal Shield for 2017 for the Best Academic Achievement in Grade 7 and silver medals for two sections in the Kaapse Eisteddfod, one for Reading and Poem (eervolle vermelding) and one for achieving 95% in “Koorspraak” for the Grade 6 to 7 for 2017. Their awards evening took place on Sunday November 29. Pictured, are Candice Farmer, dad Floors Farmer, Nicole Farmer, mom Christine Farmer and Kirsten Farmer.