Artist Michael Myekwa regularly creates magnificent sand sculptures on Fish Hoek Beach.
Now Fish Hoek residents have created a Facebook page for him, to encourage his presence on the beach and his art – as a tourist attraction. The page is called Fans of Michael Myekwa.
Shelly Schutte, who set up Mr Myekwa’s FB page, said: “I’d only seen Michael’s work ‘live’ once before but had started looking forward to seeing photos posted on the Fish Hoek Beach page – he has such talent. I felt frustrated that an artist who was using his talent to bring beauty and happiness to an area, was being shut down over a petty by-law. And as I browsed the local Facebook groups, I noticed that people were overwhelmingly on Michael’s side. I wanted to get everyone in one place so people could start collaborating on ways to make sure his art work is appreciated and he is encouraged to continue so I started the page and group: Fans of Michael Mywkwa. I also believe that he deserves a fan group. His sculptures are magnificent and add so much to the Fish Hoek Beach culture. The response to the page was incredible – 700 likes in just over 24 hours and is still growing.”
Ms Schutte said work was under way, with the support of ward councillor Felicity Purchase, to obtain a licence for Mr Myekwa.
“This group aims to bring together people who love his work and want to encourage him to keep creating,” it says on his page.
Residents offered to do this as Mr Myekwa was told by law enforcement that he cannot put a donation tin out on the beach as this requires a permit.
Ms Purchase said: “Collecting money is not allowed. When the tin was removed, all was fine,” she said.
“Soliciting money puts it in the realm of busking. That requires permit like informal trading.
“He is welcome to make sandcastles and in fact we are very appreciative of the gest-
Mr Myekwa could not be reached for comment on his fan page on Facebook.