Two sea cadets from TSWoltemade have received bursaries to further their maritimestudiesat Simon’s Town Shool’s Lawhill Maritime Centre this year.
The cadets,Gracia Pillay and Juvandre Williams, were awarded the bursaries by the South African Training
Ship (SATS) General Botha Old Boys’ Association.
Four other sea cadets, Cloe Griewelaar, Meche Mini, Sylvino October and Jamie van Rooyen, were also awarded Lawhill bursaries from undisclosed sources.
Sea Cadet Training Ships attract youth from 13 to 17 years with an interest in nautical, maritime and naval matters. SATS General Botha Old Boys’ Association chairman Captain Tony Nicholas said their bursary fund intended to establish a long term relationship with the Sea Cadet Corps to provide suitable maritime scholars and thereby keep their organisation relevant.
“This kind gesture would provide much needed funding for those who had the aptitude however were short of funding. The maritime economy would ultimately benefit from a core of enthusiastic, well trained and specialised job seekers,” he said.
For more information, email Captain Nicholas at or visit
The centre receives no state funding and
many of its students rely on bursaries from the maritime industry to cover their Grade 10 to 12 studies.