Irmgard Garthoff, Fish Hoek
I am calling on anyone who witnessed an accident on Thursday February 13, at 4.35pm, on Main Road, Fish Hoek, at the corner of Banks Road, which passes the back of the Fish Hoek police station.
A string of cars was waiting to move towards the Clovelly traffic lights.
I had just missed the gap to turn right into Banks Road from Main Road across the yellow “no stop” section, when a police van suddenly came from nowhere at a speed towards me from the front, overtaking the string of cars and narrowly avoiding a head on collision with my car.
In the process, the police van side swiped my car, a blue Nissan bakkie, and scraped the entire left-hand side of the car, taking out the left back tail light in one fell swoop.
I recall the police van having briefly stopped at the road in front of the police station. I then proceeded to turn into Banks Road to get out of the traffic and avoid a secondary accident.
Walking toward Main Road, I then heard and saw another two police vans overtaking the cars approaching the Clovelly traffic lights in the same fashion as the first van which hit me.
Nobody stopped to see if I was okay. Anybody having witnessed this incident is asked to call 082 470 8815 or 078 202 5143.
* Fish Hoek police spokesman, Warrant Officer Peter Middelton, responds:
CCTV footage of the day in question indicates a police vehicle in Main Road during the time of the incident. It indicates that it is not a local (Fish Hoek) police vehicle and the matter is still under investigation.