The Riverine Rovers hosted a community clean-up of the lower Silvermine wetlands on Saturday October 31 and installed an “insect inn”, in memory of Lewis Walter, Steve Perret and Annetjie Allen, who were committed to conservation of the wetlands for many years. Mr Walter and Ms Allen were founding members of the Silvermine River Society, which later became the Riverine Rovers, while Mr Perrett was an honorary member of Riverine Rovers.
The chairperson for the Riverine Rovers, Dr Dave Balfour, said the Insect Inn is also dedicated to all the insects of the world because “without their amazing powers, there would be no trees and flowers”.
“If you are passing, please stop to see if any insect visitors have arrived at the inn,” he said. The next Riverine Rovers clean-up is scheduled for March next year.