Tony Rozemeyer, Lakeside
This is my second attempt to draw attention to a set of traffic lights impeding traffic flow through Muizenberg to Lakeside/Albertyn Road.
The three-way-split “intersection” embracing Main Road, Albertyn Road, and Ronleigh Road remains the sole cause of ongoing traffic congestion heading north to Lakeside.
South-bound traffic from Lakeside towards Muizenberg is afforded the flashing green light to turn left into Albertyn Road – why is that, especially when the principal robot is showing green?
East-bound traffic exiting Ronleigh Road take advantage of the flashing green light to turn left towards Lakeside, right onto Main Road (towards Muizenberg central), or unopposed entry into Albertyn Road. Good thinking.
North-bound traffic towards Lakeside and vehicles turning right into (east) Albertyn Road, for some unknown reason are denied this privilege, leaving motorists waiting patiently for up to three traffic-light changes due traffic, mainly heavy vehicles, unable to turn into Albertyn Road unless a south-bound friendly driver permits them right of way, to the consternation of spoiled motorists behind him.
Why are Main Road north-bound vehicles at this intersection, particularly vehicles turning into Albertyn Road, not granted flashing green-light status?
Have our illustrious town planners and traffic officials not recognised this very basic issue – to create a free-flow of vehicles heading north towards Lakeside/east into Albertyn Road, by simply awarding very frustrated motorists uninterrupted flashing green-light access to Albertyn Road – or is this too costly or too difficult to simply think about? Traffic is often backed up all the way from beyond the Checkers intersection on a normal working day.
* Mayoral committee member for transport, Felicity Purchase responds:
The City has drafted improved signal timing plans for this intersection – the plans include a north-bound right-turn phase into Albertyn Road.
However, we first need to replace the underground cabling at the intersection because it is aged and inadequate to operate the increased number of signal phases. The cabling will be replaced as soon as possible
after the national lockdown and the new plans implemented before the end of June, pending any unforeseen delays.