Kleinberg Primary School, Ocean View, had Disney Happy Play at their school recently where children and teachers were introduced to physical education and nutrition using Disney characters, stories and activities. The programme is being implemented by sports coaching and development organisation Sporting Chance, with material developed in collaboration with the Sports Science Institute of South Africa and the Department of Basic Education. The programme uses Disney characters and stories as inspiration for the children and is an attempt to give schools a fun way of embedding physical education into their curriculums. Quoting the latest Healthy Active Kids South Africa (HAKSA) Report, Sporting Chance’s general manager Natalie Pollock comments: “Physical education (PE) was dropped as a stand alone subject from the South African public school curriculum in 1994 and only reinstated recently as part of the life orientation subject. The introduction of a National Sport and Recreation Plan has led to improvements in PE and nutrition but, overall, we are not doing nearly enough to help children eat better and exercise more.” Pictured are the Grade 3s enjoying the Disney Healthy Happy Play programme.