Jean Smythe, Rotary Club Cape of Good Hope
One of the Rotary Club Cape of Good Hope’s projects is to develop a rock garden on the sloping ground between Highway, Hillside and Echo roads and the Simon’s Town Road, above the traffic lights on the corner.
This project will be in commemoration of Fish Hoek’s centenary and also to celebrate Nelson Mandela’s 100th birthday – both of which were celebrated this year.
The Rotary Club will erect a plaque at the site to recognise the sponsors.
We would like to ask the residents of Fish Hoek to help us by donating just one rock, any size or shape, and one succulent or indigenous plant which will be planted in this rock garden.
Rocks the size of a football or bigger are preferable but any rocks will be gratefully received.
We would also need sponsors of topsoil, compost, fertiliser, mulch and gardening advice.
If you are able to make a donation, call Jean Smythe at 021 782 1469 or 084 646 0095 to arrange when to deliver the rock(s) and plants. Rocks can be collected if you are unable to deliver.