Pastors Jono and Lee Holgate, Victory Church (previously Valley Christian Church)
Our valley is abuzz. There’s a sense of fear that has gripped us in these past months like never before.
News of corruption, tragedy, robberies, hijackings, brutal murders in our own backyard have become a daily occurrence. Add to that the looming threat of Day Zero and we see people fleeing for their lives, asking, “What else can we do? Where do we turn for answers? What hope is there for us and our children?”
We believe there is hope and a future for us. The local church is the hope of the world. This is not the time for running away but the time for us to “come back home”, to come back to Jesus, to come back to your church home, wherever that may be.
Now is the time to get actively involved there and to start making a difference where you can. United as churches around our valley, we can and we will effect change in our world. This is where it is going to happen.
Perhaps you once belonged to a church? Perhaps that was many years ago? Or perhaps you have never set foot over the threshold of a church before? It is time to put aside our differences, past hurts, excuses, laziness, selfishness, whatever-ishness and come back home.
Let us, as the church, be the hope for our valley. Let us be the church in exactly the way it was originally intended to be. Not a toothless dog, but a spiritual powerhouse where the love of God changes and empowers people and they, in turn, change the world.
Let us be people who fear God and not the elements around us. Let us be the hope of the world.