There will be a volunteer clean-up, “Clean Simon’s Town”, at Glencairn station, on World Ocean’s Day, Saturday June 8, from 10am to 12.30pm.
The drive has been organised by resident Alison Bannister.
Volunteers are asked to meet on Main Road, on the corner of Dido Valley Road opposite Harbour Bay Centre.
“Much of the plastic and litter ends up along the beaches and in the sea where the plastic is now being broken down into micro-plastics which is being eaten by fish,” Ms Bannister said.
The first event of the Clean Simon’s Town project intends to remove litter along Main Road, the railway line and the shore from Glencairn station to Simon’s Town station.
Volunteers should take a hat, garden gloves, sunscreen and wear a white shirt. Contact Ms Bannister at 083 263 0048 or for details.