The False Bay Hospital Trust, an independent fund-raising arm of the False Bay Hospital, needs to raise R25 000 for five new cots for the hospital’s paediatric unit.
The trust was established last year and is based on the model of the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital Trust. It works in conjunction with the False Bay Hospital Association, another fund-raising arm, and raises money for improvements at the hospital.
Trustee and board member, Charles Maisel, said money raised by the trust was not used for day-to-day operating costs making it possible for the trust to focus on raising funds for the upliftment of the hospital.
False Bay Hospital Trust fund-raiser, Jocelyn Freed, said the hospital’s paediatric unit was small and the cots were old and five new cots would make a big difference.
She said the hospital hosted a “tea and tour” morning on the first Wednesday of every alternate month.
At these “tea and tour” sessions, she said, the manager for medical services at False Bay Hospital, Dr Wendy Waddington, gave potential sponsors and donors information about the hospital and its services, followed by a tour of the facility and Justin Bonello’s food garden.
The next tea and tour will take place on Wednesday October 2.
“Many donors have never been to the hospital and do not know what services it provides, as well as its current needs and challenges,” she said.
The trust will host two fund-raising events next month – a vintage-clothing market on Saturday September 21, at the Kalk Bay municipal hall and a lunch food truck market at the hospital on Sunday September 29, in collaboration with Justin Bonello’s Neighbourhood Farm gardens.
For donations or more information about the events, call Ms Freed at 083 708 2569 or email