The little baby boy found floating in a plastic bag in the ocean last year, is still thriving.
The baby, dubbed Sunrise because he was found at dawn on Sunrise beach and because he had a lick of red hair, is in temporary safe care (“Sunrise sees another day”, Echo, November 22 2018).
He was found on Friday morning, November 16, by a woman and fisherman who wished to remain anonymous.
The woman said she had been talking to a fisherman on the beach when he bent down, and the plastic bag drifted directly into her line of vision. And she just knew she had to get it out, immediately.
She waded in, pulled the blue plastic bag from the water, and she and the fisherman opened it. Inside, still alive, was the baby they named Sunrise.
“Babies hold their breath when submerged, so all we needed to do to get him breathing again was open his little mouth,” she said.
He had begun to turn a little blue by the time they reached him, but the moment his mouth was opened he drew breath.
His social worker Cindy-Lee van Andel at Cape Town Child Welfare Society describes his rescue as nothing short of miraculous.
The Cape Town Child Welfare Society has launched an urgent appeal for information about this case.
Ms Van Andel is appealing for anyone with any information about the child or the whereabouts of his mother to come forward.
“The child concerned was fortunate to survive the ordeal and is doing well while in temporary safe care,” Ms Van Andel said.
“Any information will be greatly appreciated as we would like to compile a comprehensive history of the child concerned. Our main goal is to secure the well-being of the child concerned,” she said.
She cannot give any more information because he is considered a protected child by the Children’s Court, she said.
“He really is a little miracle and such a fighter. Since he was found he has done remarkably well and we can report no serious health concerns or injuries,” she said, adding that he was being showered with love and was being well cared for.
Readers of the False Bay
Echo responded to the initial story by calling to offer him clothes or goods, but Ms Van Andel said he had everything he needed right now.
“If people still want to donate, they are most welcome to contact the Cape Town Child Welfare as we do have several children who are still in need,” she said.
She said that if anyone found themself in what she called a “crisis pregnancy” and uncertain about what to do with their child, they were encouraged to call the Cape Town Child Welfare offices. “Our services are free and confidential and we would like to offer hope and support not only to a parent who may find themselves in crisis but also to the infant child,” she said. Contact Ms Van Andel
at Cape Town Child Welfare Society at 021 638 3127 or with any information.