Hanno Kloppers, Fish Hoek
Thank you the owners of Pick ‘* Pay Fish Hoek for putting greed first, and ignoring the wishes of the community.
Your existing bottle store at Harbour Bay Mall was not enough, you just had to have another one.
Thank you corporate Pick ‘* Pay, for putting profit before your customers. Please do not forget to pat yourselves on the back, or to give your legal team their Christmas bonuses.
Thank you The Arcade, for the other existing tenant you are now going to kick out, to make way for your main income tenant’s new bottle store.
Thank you Fish Hoek Shoprite, Woolworths and Spar who will now also be applying for their own liquor licences, as there are now no grounds for turning them down. Profit always talks in the end.
Thank you to the entrepreneurial individuals, who will now also be opening their
own bottle stores in Fish Hoek’s Main Road adding to its sad
state of affairs, as they too can’t be denied.
Thank you to the individuals, who think that open liquor sales will somehow uplift and be a plus for the community.
Thank you to all who did not go to the trouble to voice their concerns, as they will most probably be the first to complain after the fact, about the future liquor related problems we will now be saddled with.
And finally a real thank you,
to those of you, who at least tried
to preserve one of the things,
that was part of what makes Fish Hoek unique.
Unfortunately, sadly these days everything is for sale, and might always makes right.