Mieke Gordon, Glencairn Heights
For once some good news about the Cape Town Municipality.
In the South Peninsula Sub Council (10) meeting of May 21, 2012, I asked for a decent sign from the Glencairrn Freeway where to turn off to Glencairn Heights and as mentioned in your report of that sub-council meeting in your issue of July 19, 2012.
I received a note on August 29, 2012 that this issue was of high importance.
Was I surprised that in the week starting March 5, this year, I saw at the turn-off of Birkenhead Road and the Glencairn Freeway a large sign pointing in the right direction, to Glencairn Heights.
Just proves never give up when you want the municipality to do something: only four years and 10 months to get a sign that was regarded as of high importance.