Simon’s Town has a new police chief: Captain Vishnu Pillay officially stepped into his position as the new SAPS station commander on Tuesday February 1.
He hails from KwaZulu-Natal and was stationed at the Cato Manor police station in Durban from 1996 to 2021 before coming to Simon’s Town.
He started his training at the Chatsworth SAPS Academy and his 30-year career includes stints at Hillbrow police station in Johannesburg and Bishopstowe police station in Pietermaritzburg.
He says he comes from a “busy station” and is looking forward to the new challenges that await him in Simon’s Town.
“Simon’s Town is a beautiful place and the people I have met are very friendly and welcoming.”
Becoming a police officer was a childhood dream of his, he says.
“It was just something I always wanted to do.”
Coming from a visible-policing, or Vispol, background, he says he will do his best to create a noticeable police presence and a safe and secure environment for the community.
He believes in an open-door policy and being proactive in the community, he says.
“I am ready to tackle any challenges that come my way.”
Simon’s Town Community Police Forum chairwoman Eileen Heywood welcomed Captain Pillay’s appointment, saying he grasps the importance of the relationships between the police and the community, and she looks forward to working with him.