Sha-de Joseph, Simon’s Town
I want to write to you about how upset I am about what I’ve been seeing in Simon’s Town and outside my house: dog poop.
There are a few residents in Simon’s Town who seem to think that the school field on the foot of the mountain is a dog park. I have seen countless residents on a daily basis walk up onto the field and walk their dogs, and leave dog poop everywhere.
This is private school property, not a dog park or a public park. This is the same field where the children, my daughter included, do sports and where matches are played by the schoolchildren. It is disgusting that people can do this.
There is zero respect for the health and safety of the children. The pets mean more than human life.
As a concerned parent and resident, I have asked these people what they are doing on that field and have been told they have permission to do this. I know for a fact this is a lie. I have written to the Western Cape Education Department and the City of Cape Town to resolve this matter.