A 1st Muizenberg sea scout, Sabastian Rouse, has spent about 15 hours constructing a trellis for the Muizenberg Community Garden as part of a service project for an advancement badge.
Artist Angela MacPherson designed the star-shaped shade structure and all materials were donated.
Scout group leader Angela Lee-Wright said the Muizenberg Community Garden, which rents its space from The Masque Theatre, has been running since June 2020 and is funded by donations from the Muizenberg community.
The garden, she said, is a volunteer-run project, and food that is harvested there is donated to the Muizenberg Kitchen, which serves a vegetable meal for R15 to members of the Muizenberg community on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 12.30pm.
The garden also serves as an outdoor classroom for various groups in the area and workshop are held there.
Sabastian said the project had been “awesome” as it was nice to meet new people who also volunteered their time to help people in need.
“Thank you to my fellow 1st Muizenberg scouts, and my brother, Ethan, and his girlfriend, Cailin, for coming along to join in on the pioneering fun. Some days were tough because it was hot, but with Angela’s (MacPherson) guidance, the work hours were timed well. I am excited about assisting in growing some vegetables and helping in the garden for many years to come,” he said.
In scouting, pioneering refers to projects that use simple materials, often ropes and wooden poles, to build structures, and a knowledge of various knots – including lashings and whippings – is key to pulling off these projects.
Ms MacPherson said: “What a pleasure to work with Sabastian and his team. We had great fun learning all about whipping and lashings from the scouts involved.”