Miranda Brown,
Ocean View
I’ve witnessed the amazing transformation of land into a beautiful lush development of a vegetable garden at Marine Primary School.
It is an initiative taken by Neighbourhood Farm, an NGO. This rich yielding field is presently worked by an amazing young man, Elroy Kloppers.
Everything this young gentleman puts his hand to is transformed into an amazing landscape of vegetable yielding produce.
He is so passionate about his work and the rewards he reaps from this garden benefits the soup kitchen and feeds a vast number of hungry school children.
Mr Kloppers has a big heart and the work he produces has a huge impact not only on the school children but also on the community where the produce is sold. I’ve seen the enthusiasm of the children as they were intrigued by this whole process of working the ground, to the planting of the seeds and eventually the care and nurturing until the seeds started yielding it’s produce.
I want to thank Neighbourhood Farm for taking the initiative; not only does it benefit the community, but it teaches our children about gardening and how beautiful dry ground can be transformed into beauty and become sustainable and beneficial to ourselves and others.
We especially thank Mr Kloppers for an amazing job he does so passionately. We commend your hard work and labour and we want to encourage you to keep on doing what you do so passionately. I am amazed.