Daniel and Angela van Assche, Fish Hoek
Every year we have a charity initiative called “Toys for Happiness” where we collect toys from the local schools and distribute to underprivileged children for Christmas.
The “Toys for Happiness” initiative has been running for 23 years. Toys were sorted and altogether 58 bags were collected and redistributed to underprivileged children in Ocean View, Masiphumelele, Langa, the Holy Cross Children’s Home in Modderdam, Nazareth House in Cape Town and the Currie Children’s Ward in Wynberg.
We would like to thank the following schools for participating in this annual charity event: Sun Valley Primary, Fish Hoek Primary, Fish Hoek Pre-primary, Bay Primary and Star of the Sea School in St James.
A special thanks to all parents, staff and children who were involved in this worthwhile project and provided very good quality toys.