Herb and Lorna Farrow, Noordhoek
This was the first wedding write-up written by Cedryl Greenland, former owner and editor of the Fish Hoek Echo, and appeared in the paper in January 1963:
It was the loveliest day of the year, not only for the bride and bridegroom, but for everybody else concerned on Saturday, December 8 1962, when the sun shone, the South-Easter dropped, and Fish Hoek basked in its first real summer radiance.
Miss Lorna Bleksley and Mr Herbert Farrow had chosen this special day to be married in St Margaret’s Church. St Marget’s has played a significant part in the lives of these two young people for it was through the Young People’s Association (a very happy and active band at one time) that they first met and both have continued their association with the church.
Lorna has been a member of the choir ever since she left school, and it is this fact that enhanced the ceremony, and enchanted the 250 guests attending the wedding.
As the strains of the Wedding March filled the church, the full choir of men and women filed slowly in and down the aisle, singing the lovely words, while behind, on father’s arm, came the petite bride, like a fairy tale princess in her exquisite white lace frock and shoulder-tip veil. The bridesmaid, in pale pink brocade, was Miss Jeannie White, Margaret and Hilary Barlow, were cousins of the bride.
Mrs Phyllis Bleksley had organised the catering for the reception and the Town Hall was in gala mood as the guests arrived and found everything tastefully prepared for them. Not a single detail had been forgotten – even to the colourful packets of confetti – one for everybody!
These were presented, on arrival, by a cute young man, about two bricks high, with a big smile and a blue bow tie. This was eight-year-old Michael Goldstein who, with his mother (Mrs Bleksley’s sister) has come to make his home in Fish Hoek.
Principal speaker, who proposed the toast of bride and groom, was Mr Harold Sawyer – the family’s oldest friend. “Though you may not believe it,” he told the guests, “with my youthful statistics and crop of golden curls!” Here he patted his bald head and comfortable paunch!
Amidst hilarious laughter, he continued, and finally offered the young couple some very sound advice. “After your first big row,” he dropped his voice seriously, “remember that the only possible solution is to compromise – as my wife and I have always done. I admit I am wrong, and she forgives me!”
Amongst the first telegrams to be read was one from the bride’s sister, Mrs Eleanor MacKenzie, who now lives in Canada. It may be remembered that Eleanor and Norman were married last year in Fish Hoek.
After the cutting of the wedding cake (also made, though not iced, by Mrs Bleksley), the band struck up, and Lorna and Herb led the floor in a gay dance, while the guests – old and young alike – followed suit.
After a honeymoon spent at Stellenbosch, Mr and Mrs Herbert Farrow will be settling into their new home on The Highway.