Susan O’Hagan Ward, Fish Hoek
Gregory Christians letter, “Why pay for parking?” (False Bay Echo, June 3) refers.
I totally agree with what he said and I do not think that Zahid Badroodien’s explanation was satisfactory.
What has it got to do with it dating back when Fish Hoek was a municipality? Did the Galley owners not play a role in developing the parking area?
I don’t know of any other beach that charges an entry fee (“certain months of the year”) – beaches should be free for all.
Who came up with the inconvenient figure of R21? And how much is accounted for?
On busy days, I have seen long queues in Beach Road while they take the money from cars; sometimes three “attendants” stand at the “hut”, but not one of them thinks to walk along the line to inform people of the cost, to be prepared.
The hut should be demolished as it causes a possible danger to motorists when they depart from the beach and cannot see the oncoming cars that don’t stop at the sign.
Beachgoers also report issues with the car guards. Could not a certain number be “employed” wearing branded bibs and supervised by the police – who are on site? If they do not behave, then they are replaced and dismissed?
On a separate issue – has there been or will there be any information on the future of the train line from Fish Hoek to Simon’s Town?