Jean Mackenzie, Muizenberg
Wow, I’m so blown away by the wonderful article about the Homework Enrichment Life Skills Program (HELP) in the Echo last Thursday.
Thank you so much for publishing it. However, our wonderful, trusted HELP teacher, Geoginah Munyayi, was ill that day and so we didn’t get a quote from her and somehow she didn’t get mentioned in the article.
Geoginah is so much a part of HELP at Heathfield Primary that without her there wouldn’t be a HELP in Heathfield Primary. Please know that her contribution to HELP and the children is like pure gold. Her love for the children and their education is her top priority and she tirelessly sets their work and marks it and has one-on-one interactions with them to ensure that they have really understood the given work.
She and Langton are husband and wife and together they are dynamite as they steer our children towards a better and clearer education.