Security guards at Glencairn train station were without drinking water and working toilets for several months, but the facilities have since been fixed following an enquiry by the Echo.
Residents Geoff and Wendy Turner alerted the Echo to conditions at the station.
When we visited on Wednesday January 25, we noticed the stench of urine coming from the platform, and one of the guards, Sbulelo Tshotsho, said it had been soiled by sewage from blocked toilets.
“Every time a commuter would ask to use the toilet and then proceed to flush, we noticed the sewage overflowing onto the platform,” he said.
The toilets had then been closed, and he and his colleagues had to leave their posts if they wanted to use the toilet or get a drink of water as there was also no water coming out of the taps.
“That is when commuters, or someone, could be mugged,” he said.
Mr Tshotsho said he and his colleagues had reported the blocked toilets to the station supervisor, but nothing had been done about it.
Metrorail spokeswoman Zino Mihi told the Echo the station’s sewage pump had been stolen, but until a new one could be installed, the toilets would be manually unblocked.
She said it was unclear why there had been no water at the station as no complaint had been logged.
The toilets were working and there was water in the taps when the Echo visited the station on Monday February 6.
“Not having to leave my post means I can now do my job more effectively and continue to ensure that commuters stay safe. I am very happy,” Mr Tshotsho said.