Fish Hoek residents and visitors celebrated the arrival of spring at the annual Spring Splash at the Fish Hoek beachfront on Sunday. For the past 19 years, the Galley owners, Herbie and Mathea Eichel, have hosted the event that has become a highlight for many Fish Hoek residents. The weather played along and the day was filled with good food, good music, fun activities for the children and, of course, a dash into the ocean. Youngsters danced and sang and battled it out for the title of Little Miss and Mr Fish Hoek. The title went to Ocean View Marine Primary School pupils Tylo Orris, 6, and Megan Fritz, 7. Children enjoyed sack racing and the egg-and-spoon race, and, at 3pm, it was time for the dash into the ocean, and young and old did not disappoint. Scores of people braved the water – which was said to be approximately 15 degrees – for a quick splash before making it back to the beach. YOLANDE DU PREEZ was there to capture the fun.