The Story of Kommetjie, a coffee table book compiled by three friends will be released next week Wednesday December 18.
The book is aimed not only at Kommetjie residents but Capetonians and visitors too.
Surfer and former advertising creative Roger Bain, who is one of the authors, says the 192-page book is “jam-packed with cool stuff.”
The book will sell for R350 and all proceeds will go to community organisations such as the National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) and the neighbourhood watch, Komwatch.
The countless requests for the previous 2002 centenary book, A Century of Kommetjie, compiled by the Friends of Kommetjie Library is what prompted Marilyn Metcalfe and Duncan Duffett to compile the new book, (“Kommetjie friends tackle coffee book”, Echo May 8).
For more information about the book, email Mr Bain at, Duke
Metcalf at or Mr Duffett at