Sports Staff
The courts of Ocean View have been abuzz with weekly action as Sporting Chance Street Sports relaunches its post-Covid programme.
Every Friday afternoon, Sporting Chance, in association with sponsors Sportsmans Warehouse, the City of Cape Town and the National Lotteries Commission and the Ocean View community under the stellar co-ordination of Shirley Botes have turned the courts into positive places.
The event involves over one hundred boys and girls under the age of 13, together with empowering and employing local coaches. Street Sports is all about using sport as the vehicle to promote good life choices, instilling values and a belief system in these young children that will inspire their future.
Over the weeks, the teams have taken to the tar like pitches to compete in specially adapted versions of cricket, netball and soccer.
With the Fifa World Cup having kicked off this past weekend and the Netball World Cup taking place next year in Cape Town, it’s time for these aspiring youngsters to emulate their heroes and believe too that they can go onto greatness, whether that’s on the sports field or better yet, just life in general as they become positive citizens in South Africa society.
For more information, contact Brad Bing on 082 479 2916 or