Covid-19 sank the launch event for Nur Felix’s latest album, but the musician released it anyway, saying the message on the title track, We Are All We Need, couldn’t be more apt right now.
Nur, a regular at music festivals across the province for the past decade, had planned to launch his first album on Africa Day, Monday May 25, at the Baxter Theatre, alongside Vicky Sampson.
“I was super excited about the album launch. It was going to be an amazing production. It was about Nur and Vicky saying ‘Africa we love you’ – our unique way of celebrating our significance to the soil,” he says.
The song We Are All We Need takes a hard look at consumerism, says Nur.
“We are taught by society that we need a new car, or
the latest cellular phone, etcetera, when we don’t need all those things. We all need love, kindness, respect, and values though.
“As people of colour, we were also taught from a young age that the colour of our skin made us less of a human being. No matter our race, culture or class, our existence in this world is a miracle – especially during this time of Covid-19. No amount of material possessions make us immune from contracting the virus.”
Nur wrote some of the songs on the 12-track album recently and others in the past eight years.
He describes the album as a mix of reggae, soul, African, and folk music with something for all.
“At my most recent concerts, there were 10-year-olds and an 80-year-old who enjoyed my music, so it is really for everyone. My main message is self-love.”
The album was co-produced by Nic Paton and features a string quartet and the Cape Town Youth Choir as well as Nur’s partner, Lia Wells.
Asked why it’s taken him so long to produce his first album, Nur says: “I am a perfectionist by nature. I did not just want to put out an album hastily and compromise on the quality. My songs deserved to be recorded professionally.”
The album is available at Nur will also be selling his album in CDs once lockdown is lifted, as well as limited edition LPs.