Bob Jordan, Valyland
Off my Trolley – “Expecting a better standard of service” (Echo, April 27) refers.
It was with amazement that I read that Mr D’Alton, who was once my most courteous and reliable Standard Bank manager, reported that Standard Bank would not even sort out his problems.
I wish it to be known that I in no way criticise the staff at Main Road or Longbeach with these comments since they do all they can to assist with the myriad problems caused by the inept service from Standard Bank which must be among the most inefficient.
My experience is that the bank has absolutely no understanding of nor interest in customer service.
I have been charged twice for a “free” safe deposit after paying nothing for years. I have been charged for two “free” (because the AutoPlus ATM was yet again out of paper) monthly statements.
It took six photostat sheets to roll over a 12 month fixed deposit which then turned out to have been done incorrectly. I did not receive credit card statements for at least four months (because of the post, I was told although I received all my current account statements during the same period) copies of which should have been free, but were charged to my account.
I have also had “free” first statements charged; fees on non-fee paying accounts; and three cheque books not one.
All of the above resulted in multiple unnecessary visits to the bank, standing for ages in queues, frustration and aggravation. I remember the days when Standard Bank was rightly the pride of the sector, now it is decried.
The remedy? Forget your bottom line; employ adequate levels of staff; improve training; utilise experienced approachable management staff having a sense of responsibility; replace AutoPlus ATM paper rolls seamlessly; a general shake up.