Among my friends we consider the False Bay Echo a community newspaper that should tell us what is happening in our neighbourhood such as car accidents like the one on the corner of Glencairn Freeway and Main Road (Simon’s Town Road) a few Fridays ago at 5pm whereby two people died and the traffic on the freeway was slow until 8pm and two weeks later in front of Dixies when one person died.
There should be reports from the sub-council meeting in our area and reports from neighbourhood watch meetings – there are quite a few so there should be an arrangement that you are notified when something important is scheduled.
Also from the magistrate’s court when somebody accused of a crime in our area appears – isn’t this where journalists got their training in the past?
And especially when there are applications to sell historical buildings – such as the Royal Alfred Hall in Simon’s Town where at the last moment there was an objection from the historical society that it should have received provincial heritage status especially after the historical Dawood building next door was recently condemned. There are plans by the new owner to build a five-storey mansion with special permission in place of it. There are rumours going around that the City council is considering or has approved a very large block of apartments behind Solent Court and the adjoining block of apartments on Runciman Drive, Simon’s Town, without the owners of these two blocks having been approached. I have not seen the announcement in the Friday municipal notices in the Cape Times. This might be a rumour but as a community newspaper it should be said so, especially as underhand measures are whispered.
In Camilla Street, Glencairn Heights, a house is in the process of being built for already more than a year that according to rumours, will be a boutique hotel. Again I have seen no notice among the municipal notices in the Cape Times.
Sometimes your journalists should wonder around and chat to those who live here. Quite a few of my friends don’t even open the False Bay Echo. Please become part of this area and it would be nice if the editor lives here and not sit in Cape Town. I don’t mind the sport and the schools, part of the community life but extensive coverage of musicians is sometimes too much.
We thank Ms Gordon for taking the time to write this letter. We appreciate all feedback and will try our best to bring you the best coverage of what is taking place in your area – Editor.