Pupils at Simon’s Town School are hard at work on a road safety project which they hope will benefit their school and surrounding community.
The Grade 11 pupils are part of the Road Safety Management Participatory Education Techniques (PET) launched by the Department of Transport and Public Works.
As part of the project, the group have identified a number of major concerns in and around the school in relation to road safety, which could also impact the broader community of Simon’s Town.
The team has accumulated data and statistics on road safety and constructed a
layout of the areas of concern, including proposals for solutions.
This will be used as evidence for a PET project to be presented at a national road safety competition in Umtata from Monday October 1 to Saturday October 6.
The PET team met with ward councillor, Simon Liell-Cock and discussed the outcomes of the project.
With their findings and implementation of solutions, the PET team believes that pupils will feel safer arriving at, and leaving school, whether it’s by foot, private or public transport.